When it comes to women and our body images, our sensuality, our ability & willingness to receive pleasure in our bodies, and our sexuality, the New Story is directly connected to the Divine Feminine within us. If we can relate to the Great Mother, to Gaia, the Goddess in any way, shape or form, we may have a better chance at getting to the New Story. The old stories are really old, ancient in fact. We have been victims of violence, war, poverty and discrimination for 5,000 years. The V-day “One Billion Rising” to mitigate violence against women and girls that happened worldwide on February 14th, 2013 was probably the largest event of its kind ever.
This global campaign mobilized over a billion people worldwide, inspiring women and men in 207 countries to come together to express their support. They shared with singing, poetry readings, art and flash mob dances, and the gatherings also included speeches by state legislators. Various groups joined in the call of action, including marginalized communities of the poor, domestic workers, and the disabled. This event received support from the Dalai Lama, United Nations, as well as many famous people and social media.
Some of the victories were the creation of solidarity and a safe and free space for violated women to tell their sexual stories, dance in public, and commune in open spaces. It inspired millions of men to become our allies, deconstructing patriarchy. It helped to increase funds and supportive educational programs to end violence. The event brought much awareness to make violence against women impossible to ignore. It reminded the world that women united will not be defeated.
Consciousness is rising, and so are women, again. This time we will not be shamed into silence by being called bitches and radical feminists, because those words don’t matter anymore in the great scheme of things. I am fondly remembering a Seattle Shamanic Priestess circle in 2007 that calls themselves “Witches, Bitches and Whores”. I asked them if they wanted to put the wordsacred in front of that, and they politely declined! I love the many younger women who don’t care about labels and laugh in the face of established power structures. I guess they remind me of myself as a young feminist in the 70’s.
Many women will never seek healing, choosing instead to feel powerless and stay unconscious in the old story. Their souls may offer them the opportunity to wake up through dis-ease, or depression, and they will wonder why they are being punished or why they cannot seem to climb out of their misery. Little do they know that they are carrying the wounds of countless generations of women, and are being asked in this lifetime to let them go.
Some women are waking up and discovering that their old story is falling away, and they can let it go more easily than ever before. They can no longer relate to it as who they are, and they recognize the signs and omens that are telling them to release it and heal.
Some women have done the work of releasing the old story and find themselves undefined, in the Sacred Pause~Paws of a Great Void, pregnant with possibilities unborn, or maybe not yet conceived. They are needing rest, renewal, and a nurturing of their life-force energies and a reconnection to the sensual.
And some lucky women are in the forefront, writing the New Story for the Feminine because they have been living it all along, those tantrikas and teachers that are truly walking their talk in all areas of their lives.
While many have sufficiently reclaimed their power, others have done little or only some of the work required to release their full potential in this time of the Turning of the Ages. Often we’re left with being able to do only so much on our own, and then require assistance from an experienced and innovative feminine source to complete our miraculous transformation.
There are many aspects to the 2nd Chakra which include our sexuality, sensuality, motivation, creativity, life-force energy, self-esteem, self-worth, life purpose, and being comfortable in one’s skin with a positive body image. It is the summation of our feminine power, and the doorway is our onnection to the sacred sexual/sensual experience.
It helps to work with an archetype to assist us in relating to what we wish to embody. One of our favorites for this work is Mary Magdalene ~ the Sacred-Sexual Healer. Connecting to this archetype serves to help in the healing of one’s sexuality and spirituality, then linking these two forces together.
Even though there may be some resistance to explore this sacred place in our bodies, the rewards make it a worthwhile pursuit. Self-esteem, liberation, strength, and the joy of receiving the radiance of your soul are the gifts this can bring. Fear is conquered and transformed into love resulting in an experience of sensual pleasure that brings a full and complete pathway to BLISS. But the main focus is to heal and fully reclaim all of the benefits of the 2nd-Chakra… to be set free!
Of course, the 2nd Chakra isn’t about having to have sex every day. There are many ways to activate our sexual power. And, learning how to activate the life-force energy within becomes supportive to express ones spirit in the physical realm.
“There is a life-force energy pumping through your veins. It comes from flirting with all of life. It’s a type of merging that’s energizing. Just love the best you can.”
~ Anonymous Facebook Post
Now that we’ve fully entered this New Age of Aquarius, it’s time to reclaim our Divine Feminine power as she’s been hiding in the Underworld far too long. Together we can create a container of safety, whether it’s with a friend, a therapist, or in a group, and hold each other up as we face the last bit of our fears, and transform them into our greatest strengths with kindness and love. So then, we can truly fulfill our part of the Divine plan with ease, grace, joy and passion!
It’s time for us to move away from the very old sexual story of sacrifice, martyrdom and neglect/fear/abuse.
Finally, we can blossom into a new sensual story of safety, desire, co-creation, equality, and innovation with our sexual fire to create a new paradigm shift. With our full life-force energy, everything we can imagine and more is possible. May we hold each other’s hands and take this journey together.
Moving the Feminine into the New Sensual~Sexual Story Republished from Goddess On The Loose By Anyaa McAndrew & Sahara Exodus
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