I am a High Priestess, I have always known this. A sacred priestess of Shakti.
I have had dreams and memories of this since I was about 6 years old. I was teased as a child for my power and intuition by other children in school when it wasn't cool, because of my energy, my intensity, and my wild black hair. Other people could sense it, feel it. I was highly emotional, intuitive, and I danced with my heart wide open to the sky.
I could make things happen by intention, I saw through people, and situations. I could feel the Goddess protecting me and I felt the light of angels.
I continued dancing to the rhythms of Indian music and Ma Shakti as a teenager in festivals, pujas, concerts and in the temples of Calcutta. I held strong memories in my cellular consciousness of being a priestess even then...like my mother and aunt before me, like my grandmother and great-grandmother before me.
Over the course of my life, I was drawn to sacred sites in various parts of the World, and at each one of them I had strong memories, recall from those places. At 17, I went to the Dhakineswar Temple on the Ganges in Kolkata. This is where my grandmother prayed and where my mother prayed. It is at this holy site where my grandmother conceived my mother and where my mother conceived me. In the Mayan temples of Palenque, Mexico, I had a full bodied sense of being there, many ages ago, walking around and within the standing stones, doing ceremonies on Full and New Moons. I went to Ephesus in Turkey and bought a white and gold sequined robe, which was magical to me. In all these power sites, I felt very powerfully connected.
All the ancient sites, this one Roman,were always built on top of older Gosddess worshipping sites. Mary Magdelane was said to have lived at Ephesus with Mary, Jesus' mother for awhile. I was in Massada in Israel at the Dead Sea on a Full Moon and had an amazing heart racing memory of being there before. When I visited the Caves at Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, when I visited Egypt , ALexandria, Cairo and Thebes I felt totally at home, knowing that I had been to these places in previous lives. When I went to Knossos in Crete,an ancient Goddess centred civilization, I remember feeling that things werwn't painted the right colours, that certain objects had been in the throne room, tables, statues and such. I held a big foreboding ovr my head there, and though I didn't connect with it initially, later a past life connection with another woman brought all the memories back to both of us. I was always drawn to rocks and crystals, and another woman and I shared through a channelling I did, our connection to very powerfull crystals and our life as Priestesses in Atlantis together.
I embodied the High Priestess in performances. I performed as Saraswati, Lilith, Inanna and Salome, which I helped co-created with sacred musicians and artists. I realize now, that the performance was to remind me of my ancient origins, my connection to being a Sacred Priestess in the past.
Before I went to sleep at night at about 6 years old, I had memories of being the high priestess in the temples of the Goddess in sexual rites and tantric initiations. I was too young and innocent to know about any of this consciously, but my unconscious was clear and unobstructed, I was open, very open, and received these very sexual images and intense feelings every night. I certainly couldn't tell anyone about it, so I kept it all "under the covers" for I knew I would be punished {again} for embodying the sexual freedom and power of a High Priestess.
The High Priestess or Sacred Priestess is the Moon incarnate
Thus she is "virgin" in its original meaning, a woman who is whole,complete unto herself, owned by no man, who does what she does to suit herself according to her own feelings, intuition and rhythms.
This is part of our journey as a Sacred Woman, to explore our darker nature. The dark side of the moon we never see is also a part of us and she represents emotions, the unconscious, your mother, memories, intuition, psychic capabilities, responses, the ebb and flow of cycles, nurturing, home, the womb. Through embracing her we become more complete on the path to wholeness.
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