When you practice present moment awareness, you begin to feel the meaning you yearn for in the ever-present now. You relax into this moment. And there is a sudden realization in just dropping every demand on yourself and on others. Then you can relax and trust all your needs are met in this moment.
Setting boundaries to protect your precious time and energy teaches those who love and work with to respect you. You teach them how to behave with you and respect your needs. This is an act of ultimate self-care because it comes from the root of self-respect.
Clear old thought patterns, beliefs and burdensome feelings to liberate yourself to new thoughts and a new way of being. Your true self is constantly burning away false truths. Let it. Clear yourself and discover new possibilities and new dreams you can shine with. Let go of the old and let a new door open for you.
Step into the light and take risks to express yourself. Share your gifts and talents with the world. Your authentic self and your unique soul expression is your sacred song to the world. SIng it, dance it. Be alive with it.
The feminine is a sacred vessel or a chalice of light. In our monthly cycle that's associated with the waves and tides of the moon, we ebb and flow. We become full and empty. This emptiness creates a sacred space for new ideas and new projects to bloom. It allows our bodies space to relax, our minds room to expand and our spirits freedom to explore and soar free. Emptiness is gift.
Connect with friends you love. When you're mirrored with love, you see yourself clearly. Women need to connect to feel intimacy. This is their way of nurturing their needs. To communicate and express their emotions to a caring audience.
Ask for inner guidance. The Divine will meet your every need.
Ask for help. Allows others to serve you. Receive.
Focus your energy. There is amazing power in a strong intention.
This is a woman's most powerful asset. When she lives in the domain of intuitive awareness and insight, of secret or “occult” (that which is hidden) knowledge of the unknown, spirit realm, she can access tremendous power and wisdom.
A woman in the fullness of feeling her intuition can master of her spiritual and material realities showing a confidence of bearing that knows how to call forth from spiritual storehouses what is needed to transmute, transduce, and transform energies that would overtake or topple other women not in this fullness.
She is thoughtful and reflective having depth to her presence and intellect. She knows how to detach from inner and outer storms and how to connect deep inner truths and resources with her grounded experience of life. She sees a higher possibility and attunes to its resonance. She is not easily influenced by faddish impulses and brings power and confidence to difficult situations requiring change or shifting -with grace and insight.
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