Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Is A Mystical Time

The New Year is a mystical time for self-care, reflection and planting seeds. Some things you can do to invest in yourself are to let go, hibernate, reflect, review and begin again with new intentions. In Fall, you started the process of letting go...cutting away what was no longer serving your highest truth or vision. The season is now dark and deep. Now you can hibernate. Seek silence and stillness as you go within to hear yourself. You will find a voice of Light. Let that voice reveal herself to you. Reflect with her and reflect upon your year. She will show you how your journey has transformed. How you have expanded and grown through the past cycle. You may also see how old patterns were repeated and how you have gained the wisdom to release them. This is all part of the journey.

Feel your entire range of emotions. Feelings of anger, sadness, rage, resentment, bitterness, helplessness and even powerlessness may emerge. Hold those feelings with tenderness. You have come far. There was more to let go of then you realized. You are still releasing. Honor the courage it took to let go and to release the old. Grieve if grief comes to you. Celebrate if joy comes to you. Be with yourself exactly where you are. As you reflect you will gain clarity. You will know as the feelings begin shifting. A vision will come. An intuitive sense of what is calling to be birthed through you for this next season. You will know.

Trust your voice.

Even in the dark.


  1. I love the idea of cutting away all that no longer serves when heading into winter for a period of hibernation. Great symbolism I'll have to remember for a few months time here in Australia :)

  2. Thanks Kylah for sharing. As we keep cutting away into spring, I will post more articles on this process of letting go, clearing space and forgiveness. Blessings to you, love zinnia.
