Thursday, January 2, 2014

Awaken To Your True Power

Our security blanket is often what suffocates us. We need security and safety from someone outside of us. From a partner who will never leaves us. From a job that pays only the bills and doesn't stroke our creative fires or authentic leadership skills. Survival worked for us thousands of years ago when humans needed to help other humans to meet one another's needs for hunger, shelter and protection: the basic needs of survival. What happens once you've become self-responsible enough to meet those needs for yourself? What happens when you've become a loving adult who can take care of your mental, emotional and physical health, your core needs and spiritual fulfillment for rest and relaxation?

Evolution happens.

It’s one thing if what secures us is in alignment with our sacred purpose, but if it isn’t, then what do we have? The illusion of security at the expense of our authenticity. When you are following your sacred path and sacred purpose towards your soul's passionate desire, you will naturally be rewarded by having your needs taken care of. Your soul gifts are your greatest treasure. Your soul path leads you to your true inheritance of self-worth, power, leadership and your grandest destiny. When you prioritize your truest path above all else, you evolve. When you trust your soul’s calling, you awaken into your unlimited power and potential. You keep growing. You keep reaching. Then you can sleep without the security blanket. You can be warmed by the fires of your authenticity, transformation, soul growth and your deepest soul gifts that you share with the world in sheer joy.

Better to live true to you.

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