Saturday, February 22, 2014

As we enter Pisces..

Wandering in the land of Neptune is surely a time to adopt a motto of “I don’t know” and maybe “I am at ease not knowing trusting that knowing will emerge easily and gracefully at just the right time”. Tibetan sand paintings sound just perfect for this Neptune time.

Do you feel intuitive, receptive open and serene? Do you feel strange to yourself now as you come to know your ever more soulful self? Saturn has been a constant companion over these recent few years as well preparing the soil for this developing awareness you are experiencing as telepathy at the moment, which is flooding your being.

Water is a Neptune metaphor as it cleanses, flows, softens; remaking the landscape. Yes, this is and can be unsettling, a bit scary, confusing and much more depending on what lies in your feelings/subconscious/past and soul. This is a time to surrender, to be strange, to “not know”, to be open, to say “yes” when it feels guided and “no” when it doesn’t or is just obligation calling. It is a time for vision quests, poetry, painting, music and nature.

Let Saturn keep you steady and present in your good life with your partner knowing the value of your work and life while Neptune reshapes you internally to prepare you for the renewal. If you are feeling urgency in your inner voice, slow down and breathe. Connect with water, and with your feelings and release any emotions that are blocking you. Neptune is now dissipating to make way for the renewal you will soon enter.

Listen to watery music and look at images of water. Connect with a lake or walk near the ocean. Feel the power of your feelings...all of them. Feelings will guide us into our deepest knowing.

Trust and listen. Your soul knows the way...

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