Sunday, March 23, 2014

Shakti Priestess 101: Virtual Temple Starts April 1

Please join us on Facebook for the next class.
Email me at if you are interested.

Dear Priestesses,


Thank you for your passion in expanding your spiritual power and priestess skills. I would like to answer some of your questions about Priestess 101.

Shakti Priestess Training will teach you the skills of an ancient priestess and how to use these skills in the modern world to harness greater power, beauty, health and create a sanctuary of inner safety and feminine spirituality.

Over a 12 week period, we will journey through the history of the priestess and learn skills which were developed in the Ancient Temples and are relevant today. We will call in our Goddess Archetypes, we shall link energies with the phases of the Moon and we shall celebrate Her Seasons as experienced in our Sacred Bodies.

When does the course begin?
April 1. The course is 3 months long and finishes in June. You can study and practice from the comfort of your own home. There will be a private Facebook group of 13 women taking this course simultaneously. This is your sacred circle. You can share your questions, journeys, personal projects, anything really in this private group.

What is the format?
Starting April 1, each week I will email you a different module and give you homework. You will receive 12 modules in total. You can do the homework to study the topics deeper at your own pace.
Why is there a private Facebook group?
The group is a virtual temple, a support system. My role is to facilitate any questions you may have, introduce topics for discussion, inspire you, and create a safe space for you to share your stories and questions about the priestess process. I will create the group by the end of March and invite you all to it.

What are the 12 modules or topics? What will I learn?
You will learn introductory topics to spirituality as well as the 8 priestess skills.
I am still working on the structure of the course. Ideally, it will look something like this:

Week 1: Introduction to the Goddess

Week 2: What is healing?
Intuition, Dream Symbols, Crystals, Hands On Energy Healing

Week 3: Introduction to Creativity, Art and Ritual 
Creating all forms of Sacred Objects, Altars and candles

Week 4: Introduction to Ceremony and Ritual
Celebrating the Seasonal Wheel and Understanding the Mayan lunar cycle of 13 moons

Week 5: Introduction to Astrology
Introduction to the astrological wheel and ancient zodiac signs

Week 6: Introduction to Oracle
An introduction to Tarot and Egyptian symbols, Prophecy, Channeling and Visualization

Week 7: Introduction to Music
Inspirational music and playlists for meditations, dancing and channeling

Week 8: Introduction to Scribing and Scholarship 
Reading ancient texts, Poetry, Channeling, Self-expression

Week 9: Introduction to the Element of Water

Week 10: Introduction to the Element of Fire

Week 11: Introduction to the Element of Air

Week 12: Introduction to the Element of Earth

Do you I have to learn everything in 12 weeks?
Not at all. This course provides you with knowledge and tools. You can practice this knowledge for as long as you wish to continue - 1 year, 2 years, 3 years. It takes time to practice these skills and master them. I will also offer advanced classes if you wish to continue with me.

I hope this answers all your questions. As we prepare for April 1, I encourage you to read literature about priestessing skills. Here is a suggested reading list and movie list for you. 



365 Goddess: A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Goddess

Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia

Memoirs of Cleopatra

Goddess Companion

The Mysteries of Isis: Her Worship & Magick

Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering The Dynasties of the Ancient Maya

Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter

Sacred Woman, Sacred Dance: Awakening Spirituality Through Movement and Ritual

The Path of the Priestess: A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine

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