Wednesday, April 16, 2014

4 Ways To Practice Feminine Magic

Feminine Magic is the art of alchemy: using words, rituals, intention and intuition in focused and channeled ways that start moving energy in your desired direction. Feminine power is based on pure desire. Desire with out fear or limitation. Once we have pure desire, we attract and magnetize to ourselves anything we want.

When I decided I wanted re-invent myself and change my career direction, I began to imagine a life in Spain. I listened to flamenco music and Cafe del Mar all day long, I had vision boards of "My Life In Spain" in my house and at work, I listened to my intuition on places to visit that matched my inner desires, once I arrived there I networked and created trustworthy relationships with people who lived in Ibiza, for months I journaled through my resistance and transformed doubt and worry into passion and purpose. The result? I lived on a magical island for 3 years, developing a sacred dance practice, life coaching business and a wisdom school to mentor priestesses in training.

Here are 4 ways to practice this magic:

1. Intuitive Power
Trust your inner voice and your inner sight. You have the ability to follow the voice of your
soul consistently and discern between soul and ego. Knowing your vision for your life.

Journal about your deepest longings and desires. Write down all the possibilities. Buy a tarot deck and do a reading for yourself. Feel into the images that resonate with you and feel right to you. Draw and sketch the beauty that surrounds you. Take long meditative walks in nature or spend time meditating on your desires. In other words, connect with yourself.

2. Personal Power
Did you know you can turn your imagination (images from spirit) into form by visualizing then drawing in your desire through affirmations and invocations, life-visioning, taking inspired action, asking for help and receiving.

You have the mental and physical power to make decisions, speak your truth, take action, stand up for what you believe in, be a leader, believe in your worthiness and deservedness to receive all your heart’s desires. Exercise this power by talking about your strengths, interests and dseires. Ask people for help. Offer your time to volunteer and learn a new skill.

Also, remind yourself of your strengths. Write down all of the goals you've already achieved this year. Character traits you love about yourself. What your friends love most about you. Read this list over and over. They key here is to believe in yourself and go after your dreams!

3. Manifesting Power
Create. Creation requires clarity.

You can manifest by getting clear. Clarity cuts through confusion like a sword cuts through fog. And do you know what bring the most clarity? Desire. Pure desire. Without fear or limitation.

Get clear on how your perceptions. How do you describe your perception of yourself? Use descriptive phrases or adjectives to indicate how you feel about yourself. For example: strong, weak. powerful, beautiful, magical.

Get clear on your imagery. How do you imagine or picture yourself? Use descriptive adjectives to to describe your image. For example: attractive, stylish, elegant, bohemian, wild.

Get clear on your expectations. What are your daily expectations? When you get up in the morning, what do you expect of the day ahead? For example, exciting, boring, challenging, happy, stressful.)
What are your expectations of your life? For example, adventurous, routine, hard, fulfilling.)

Now -- inject a rush of excitement and passion when you feel into the possibilities of the picture you've just created. This is a picture of your life this year!

4. Magical Power
Your skill to practice “alchemy”. Changing one form to another form. Transforming depression into
expression of life. Transforming deep loss and regret into life lessons and joy. Shape-shifting your career into your spiritual mission and life path. Expanding friends and networks into a unified community.

There are many tools you can use to release your past and shift into a new perspective. One of my favorite tools is ACCEPT, HARVEST, FORGIVE. FREEDOM.

Accept. Accept the situation, a relationship that's ended, a job loss, a dry spell.

Harvest. Harvest the lessons you've learned from this experience and the blessings you've received from the relationship with a person or a job.

Forgive. This takes longer but practice forgiving. A powerful statement to practice daily for 3 weeks is, "I forgive you (person's name here). What you did or did not do no longer has any power over my destiny. I am free and you are free."

Freedom. Envision your freedom. How do you feel? What are the things you want to do the most now? Feel the quality of freedom of being able to do this. Do you feel lighter? Does it feel easier?

Your thoughts are your prayers and your words are your spells. How will you use your magic?

My new ecourse F E M I N I N E  M A G I C is coming soon!
Email me at of you are interested. Watch this space for details...

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