Friday, May 9, 2014

30 Attraction Principles

1. Become incredibly self-loving. Feel loving towards yourself, invest in yourself, self-care for yourself, feel deserving and expect the best from life. Attraction is possible when you love yourself irresistibly.

2. Stay in the present and unhook yourself from the future. Attraction works in the present, not in the future.

3. Always be open to learning. By learning and having the intent to grow, you evolve.

4. Build reservoirs of energy and savings in every area of your life, Having enough is not nearly enough. Go to the creative well to fill up on inspiration and vitality. Don't get depleted and feel empty inside.

5. Feel the value of joy. When you add value because you enjoy it, people are naturally attracted to you.

6. Touch another's heart profoundly, The more you touch others, the more attractive you will be.

7. Market your talents shamelessly. Feel good about your brand, product and services. If you’re embarrassed about what you do well, you won’t be very attractive.

8. Become irresistibly attractive to yourself. How can you attract others if you do not feel irresistibly attractive to yourself?

9. Enjoy a fulfilling life, not just an impressive lifestyle. A great life is full of meaning, depth and joy. You invest in work that feels deeply meaningful for you and you enjoy it from your soul.

10. Deliver twice what you promise. When you consistently deliver more than was expected, new customers are drawn to you.

11. Get pulled towards your vision. Being pulled forward is attractive; pushing forward by your fears is not.

12. Replace procrastination with persistence. Time is expensive; thus, time is very unattractive.

13. Get your personal needs met. If you have unmet needs, you’ll attract others like that.

14. Be impeccable with details. Subtleties, details and nuances are more attractive than the obvious.

15. Respect yourself, your boundaries and don't tolerate mistreatment, abuse or neglect. When you put with something, it costs you. Costs are expensive and thus unattractive.

16. Show others how to behave with you. Don’t make them guess.

17. Accept your weakness with compassion. When you accept and honor the parts of yourself you are the most ashamed of, you are more accepting of others.

18. Honor your sensitivity. The more you feel, the more you’ll notice and respond to the many opportunities in the present.

19. Perfect your environment. Make your home and office beautiful, harmonious and attractive.

20. Develop more character than you need. Integrity is not enough to become irresistibly attractive.

21. See how perfect the present really is. Especially when it is clearly not.

22. Become constructive. High levels of respect are very attractive.

23. Orient yourself around your core values. When you spend your days doing what fulfills you, you attract.

24. Simplify everything. Abandoning the non-essentials leaves more room.

25. Master Your Craft. Being the best at what you do is the easiest way to become successful.

26. Recognize and tell the truth. The truth is the most attractive thing of all. But it requires skills and awareness.

27. Have a vision, When you can see what’s coming, you don’t need to create a future.

28. Get clear on who you are what you want and what you can offer. What need can you fill in the world?

29. Develop a positive perception of your self, the pictures you send out into the world and your expectations of life.

30. Flow with life and receive its abundant flow.

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